Saturday, May 10, 2014

            Tips to Decrease Betis Quickly

    1.  Stretching Training 
     After a full day of activities your body will definitely feel so tense, especially in the calf because this section is a pedestal when you walk and stand. well so that you do not become big calves you have to do this stretch because the stretch can make lump on calf terapat be reduced. The exercises that can be done is to stand facing a wall, then one leg bent forward while the other straightened back and both hands against kedinding like pushing motion. do this about 10-15 minutes and then do with alternating between the right foot and left foot. 

Massaging Betis 

By massaging the calf is believed to make your calf muscles to relax and flex your calf. You can do it yourself at home and it is very easy and simple and you should do before bed so when you wake up more legs felt light, his way of rubbing the bottoms of the feet with both hands intensely, do bottom-up, this exercise Similarly both vessels to deliver oxygen to the calf muscles. 

Avoid Heavy Loads section TIMIT 

In addition to the use of high heel turns carrying heavy loads can also cause large calves, when we carry the burden of that brat is not only burdensome but also burdening our punggu our legs, especially the calves. therefore from now on you do not get too often lift heavy loads. 

Pilates and Yoga 

In addition, programmed exercises like Pilates and yoga can choose as an alternative sport. Because of its function, Pilates itself involves strengthening and stretching exercises are intense to flex and extend muscles thus providing a higher posture, which automatically gives the shape of the foot more level with the ideal-sized calves. Moderate yoga, can help you be more relaxed and able to regulate your heart rate properly, blood flow smoothly, helps regularity muscle so easily trained to get a more perfect form. 

Perform Sport Lightweight 

It turns out that light exercise such as swimming and jogging are also effective to shrink a large calf. therefore for epilepsy and fatherly gtidak have much time to exercise you should do only light exercise in addition to more peraktis also more effective. and you remember gperlu yan avoid sprint (sprint) and other sports that require strength and speed of footwork for this sport cause very tired legs
Easy and it's easy, and another one for those of you who like mengunkan heels if your calf rather large pingin try before you sleep, you supine position, but cushions your feet propped up, so the position of the feet higher than the body.

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