"Military patrol was attacked by mines and small arms fire by a group of unidentified armed personnel," said Indian Defence Ministry said in a statement on Monday (19/5).
Indian army returned fire. However, the Indian Ministry of Defense said, the attackers fled toward a military post PAKITAN.
"The search in that area found the Pakistani-made mines and other equipment, which implies the involvement of Pakistan and terrorists from across the Line of Control," the statement said.
The attack occurred when India finished hold elections won by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). With the victory of the BJP, Narendra Modi confirmed as Prime Minister of India.
Earlier, Modi claimed peace talks with Pakistan can not take place when the violence still occurs.
More than 47,000 people have been killed in the Muslim insurgency in Kashmir, India, since the late 1980s. Kashmiri fighters want independence from India or join Pakistan's population is Muslim.
New Delhi accuses Islamabad assist and train Kashmiri fighters. Pakistan denies the charge, but admitted giving moral and diplomatic support for the struggle of the Kashmiri people to determine their own destiny.
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